Learning from Mary on the Year of Faith

Mauricio I. Pérez | 05.11.2013  

In the month of May, we usually focus our attention on Mary in a special way. This Year of Faith, we must follow her example along this particular month, and increase our trust in God.

In his Apostolic Exhortation Porta Fidei, written to indict the Year of Faith, Pope Benedict XVI has reminded us how:


“By faith, Mary accepted the Angel’s word and believed the message that she was to become the Mother of God in the obedience of her devotion (cf. Lk 1:38).

Visiting Elizabeth, she raised her hymn of praise to the Most High for the marvels he worked in those who trust him (cf. Lk 1:46-55).

With joy and trepidation she gave birth to her only son, keeping her virginity intact (cf. Lk 2:6-7).

Trusting in Joseph, her husband, she took Jesus to Egypt to save him from Herod’s persecution (cf. Mt 2:13-15).

With the same faith, she followed the Lord in his preaching and remained with him all the way to Golgotha (cf. Jn 19:25-27).

By faith, Mary tasted the fruits of Jesus’ resurrection, and treasuring every memory in her heart (cf. Lk 2:19, 51),

she passed them on to the Twelve assembled with her in the Upper Room to receive the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 1:14; 2:1-4).”


Mary’s faith is summarized in her totally trustful Fiat. “May it be done to me according to your word” is her response to the archangel when he announces that she will be the mother of the Redeemer. Against all logic, Mary will get pregnant and face the risk of hurting Joseph, of being repudiated and even lapidated by the people of her village, who would for sure consider her an adulterous woman, for having a child without living with her husband yet. It is precisely when nothing makes sense, that Mary trusts and abandons herself to the Lord, “May it be done”.

Along her life as mother of Jesus, Mary faces situations that are difficult to understand. Her is always the same: she abandons herself to God and keeps everything in her heart.

Every time someone needs her, Mary’s faith prompts her always to take action immediately, as if on a hurry. Luke remarks how Mary set out in haste to visit Elizabeth, her relative, when she was pregnant. At Cana, as soon as she notices there is no more wine at the wedding, she intervenes and asks her Son to remedy the situation.

Mary’s toughest test will be the piercing scene of the cross: Watching her beloved Son bleeding in agony and dying of pain and asphyxia while not having done anything else in his life but loving everyone to the extreme. Even in this moment, Mary trusts the Lord. And even though her sorrow does not let her mutter a single word, Mary keeps this moment in her heart as she says in her mind “May it be done –Fiat”.

Let us learn from Mary her faith, that allows her to trust God against it all and in spite of anything. Let us learn to take immediate action, moved by our faith, to assist our neighbors and to pray immediately for those who have totally consumed the wine of joy in their lives. Let us learn to tell God “May it be done according to your will” and abandon ourselves to him when nothing seems to make sense in our life.

Be passionate about our faith!

Written for “The Progress”, Spanish Edition. May, 2013 .
Translated to English by the author.
(c) Mauricio I. Pérez. All rights reserved.

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